IPD Appointments +982161192304
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Contact Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex (RA) Address: Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, end of Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran

Route 1 North Door: Tehran - east of Chamran Highway - Eastern Baqerkhan Street

Route 2 East door: the end of Keshavarz Boulevard - Dr. Gharib Street

Route 3 south door: Dr. Mirkhani St. - North Eskandari St. intersection

Phone number: 021-61190

Fax number: 021-66581625

SMS panel: 10006579

Postal code: 1419733141
E-mail: Imamhospital@tums.ac.ir
Telephone number of the complaints office: 021-61192442
Telephone number of security and physical protection: 021-61192414
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